Welcome to the GovDash Help Center

The GovDash Help Center is your always-available resource to learn about GovDashā€™s features, tips & tricks, best practices, and more. It contains a wealth of knowledge on how to get the most out of GovDashā€™s many features.

Using the Help Center

The Help Center is laid out by product area within GovDash. You can navigate between the different areas on the left-hand side, with each containing articles that are pertinent to that area of GovDash.

Each article contains a table of contents section so that you can easily find what youā€™re looking for. If you need help finding anything specific, use the search bar in the top left.

You can type any question into this search bar, hit enter (or click the blue banner below the search bar), and the search assistant will scour our knowledge base to find your answer. It will also provide you with the articles that it used to answer your question, so you can find even more information!