Selecting Key Personnel

Before you begin…

If you have not yet uploaded your key personnel resumes to your Data Library, as we highly recommend doing so before following this guide. To learn how to upload key personnel information within GovDash, see our guide here.

Selecting and Managing Key Personnel

To select key personnel to utilize within your proposal in GovDash, navigate to the Key Personnel tab within your proposal folder.

If GovDash has detected labor categories from your solicitation package, it will display them in a list here. Within each labor category, you can assign key personnel based on the requirements from the solicitation package. All key personnel must be assigned to a labor category.

Please Note

In order to select a person as key personnel, you must have a resume uploaded to your Data Library for that person. To learn how to upload documents to your Data Library, please see our guide here!

To assign/select key personnel within a labor category, select the labor category drop down and click Add Key Person. This will assign

By selecting the labor category in the list (1), this will provide a drop down where you can view any personnel assigned (2), key details from their resume (3), and the LCAT requirements from the solicitation package (4). You can also remove someone who is assigned to the labor category by clicking the red X on the right side of their profile (5).

Adding Labor Categories

If no labor categories were pulled from the solicitation, did not exist within the solicitation, or if you’d like to add additional labor categories, you can select the Add Labor Category button to create labor categories to assign key personnel to.

Within this menu you can define the job title, number of personnel required, certification requirements, and description of the labor category.

Editing and Removing Labor Categories

To edit labor categories that were either pulled from the solicitation package, or manually created by you, select the pencil icon to the right of the labor category drop down.

Here you can add additional requirements, remove requirements, and edit any of the details provided.