Before you begin…
If you have not yet uploaded your contracts to your Contract Cloud, we highly recommend doing so before following this guide. To learn how to upload your contracts and build your contract inventory within GovDash, see our guide here.
Selecting Past Performance
There are multiple ways to utilize your past performance within your proposal within GovDash, including the ability to adjust the way your past performance is formatted within the generated proposal.
Past Performance Tab
To select your past performance within your proposal in GovDash, navigate to the Past Performances tab within your proposal folder.
You can select new past performances at any time by clicking the symbol in the box, as shown above. This will bring up a list of all the contracts within your Contract Cloud for you to select from.
Annotated Outline
Within your annotated outline, within a Past Performance section, you can also select specific past performances to apply only to that section. The benefit to this is that you can control, at a section level, which contracts are being utilized within your proposal.
Please Note
Your section type must be set to Past Performance for these controls to appear.
You can manage your selected past performances using the same indicator as the Past Performances tab.
Also available within this section type is the ability to control the way GovDash formats your contracts. By default, GovDash will create a narrative for each selected past performance, and generate a table before the narrative that contains the contract details. From this menu, you’re able to select additional options, such as creating a single, all-encompassing past performance narrative, or a contract table.
Focus Documents
You can also provide your past performances in the way of Focus Documents within a specific section. If you do not have the contract uploaded to your Contract Inventory, you can upload your past performance documents (such as pre-written past performance narratives, past performance writeups, etc.) as a Focus Document within a section.
Word Assistant
Utilizing the Word Assistant Substantiate Power Action, you can greatly improve your proposal content through the use of your past performance that already exists within GovDash.
After you’ve downloaded your proposal, open the Word Assistant, and then highlight text within your proposal that you’d like to expound upon. Using your Contract Cloud and Data Library, GovDash will use the text you’ve highlighted and substantiate any claims with your capabilities, strategies, and history.